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About us

Additional Liability Company "Korostensky Shchebzavod" produces annually more than 1.7 million tons of rubble fraction of all factions, which correspond to DSTU BV 2.7-71-98, namely 5-10 mm 10-20 mm, 5-20 mm, 20-40 mm, 40-70 mm. The main consumers are factories ZHBSH rubble, concrete products plants, road company. Products are shipped throughout Ukraine and abroad - Bryansk, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, regions of Russia and Belarus.

Currently, the company "Korostensky Shchebzavod" works rhythmically, providing employment to about 250 residents of Korostensky district, the average salary for the 1st half of 2014 amounted to almost 4,000 hryvnas. In 2013 the plant had produced 1727 tons of gravel fraction, that is 5% more than in 2012.

Our goals

  • 1
    Improvement of product quality
    Automates the crushing and screening workshops, mechanized products loading, introduced dropout enrichment node, computerized
    internal accounting
  • 2
    Improvement of customer service
    We adhere to the highest standards of service.That is why our customers are always satisfied with the cooperation with our company. We use a dynamic and flexible service strategy and we are always aware of the customers needs and expectations.
  • 3
    Expanding the geography of sales
    We know that a lot of people and organizationsour not only in Ukraine, but also abroad needs our high quality items. So we try to provide them all, regardless of their place of residence or location.
  • 4
    Workflow improvement
    We are working on exploration, optimization of production processes, improving work culture and reducing exposure to harmful factors.

Plant history

  • 1965—1975
  • 1976—1984
  • 1985—2000
  • 2001—2014

Establishment and the start of a long way

Large reserves of granite suitable for road construction were found on the territory of Polessky (in the past Mohylyanskij) Council of Agriculture.

In 1935, began to develop the field in places where the granite outcroped at the surface and where it was available to extract the stone by hand for the construction of the road Korosten-Zhytomyr.

In mid-1935 trest "Dorbudmaterialy" began development of the quarry where all the work was done manually with horses transporting. All extracted stone went on road building Korosten-Zhitomir, and later the construction of road Korosten-Novograd Volynskij. Due to the rapid development of the industry a significant need in stone has arisen. A railway of 6.5 kilometers long was built from plant to the station Korosten-Zhytomyr and the stone began to ship in small batches in different regions of Ukraine and Belarus.

During the war, the quarry has been flooded by ground water, all equipment removed occupiers. Losses amounted to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Establishment and the start of a long way

In 1946, the water was pumped out, three lifts were restored, drilling works and stone extraction began, and in 1947 producing rubble began. Later the first crusher, with the performance of three cubic meters per hour and machines were installed, the restoration of the stationary crushing plant has been started.

Due to the transition to the production of primary products - rubble, quarry was renamed "Mogilyanskii Shchebzavod".

Since then, the plant was developed, reconstructed. Along with the plant working village of Mirny also grew. Houses all the amenities for factory workers were built. There were an Obstetric clinic, shop, kindergarten, nursery, club, gym, home housing for service workers of the plant. Nowadays the village transferred to communal ownership of Korosten.

The factory today

Now Additional Liability Company "Korostensky Shchebzavod" produces annually more than 1.7 million tons of fractional rubble of all factions, which correspond to DSTU BV 2.7-71-98, namely: 5 - 10 mm 10 - 20 mm, 5 - 20 mm, 20 - 40 mm 40 - 70 mm. The main consumers of rubble are factories ZHBSH, reinforced concrete products' factories, road companies. Products are shipped throughout Ukraine and abroad - Bryansk, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia and Belarus.

Activities on raising technical level of production, decreasing in the proportion of workers employed manual or low-skilled employment, improvement of working conditions are carried out at the factory systematically.

After reconstruction of at the factory, which was held in 1980, there were the following innovations. For transportation of rocks new heavy dump trucks BelAZ-7547 were involved, which are loaded by excavators EKG-5. At present time, work is being done to implement high-performance production Loader Volvo and Caterpillar for loading of the rock mass and production.

To enhance the effectiveness of drilling it was feasible to replace the outdated drilling machines series SBSh to new highly machines - AtlassCopco ROC-L6H, the performance of one of them allows to cover the power of 5 tools SBSh. For crushing oversized cargo, instead of the traditionally used technology of hammer drilling boulders with their subsequent undermining, it was enacted hydro hammer Ramer H80City, that has allowed to minimize the unskilled labor drillers of holes and improve safety. Also the crusher SMD - 117 KSD - 2200, KMD - 2200, two diesel locomotives M - 62 have been introduced. There are automation of crushing and screening workshop, mechanization of loading products, introducing of the node enrichment of dropout, computerizing of the internal accounting.

Currently a new imported production line with the capacity of more than three million tons of fractional rubble are being prepared for the commissioning, which meets all the requirements of European standards.

Modern technology in the manufacturing process

Currently, the company of "Korostensky Shchebzavod" works rhythmically, providing employment to about 250 residents of Korostensky district, the average salary for the 1st half of 2012 amounted to almost 4,000 hryvnas. 1727 tons of gravel fraction were produced in 2011 produced , it is on 5% more than in 2010. Commodity production amounted to almost 75 mln., it is on 13% more than in 2010.

Already in the 1st half of 2012 were produced 757.0 thousand tonnes of products, and obtained a profit of 5741 ths., which is on 11% more than during the same period the previous year. Moreover, in 2012 the reconstruction of the crushing and screening plant began. One year later, on its completion, the company will move to release gravel products meets the highest European standards

Processing complex will be equipped with crushing and grinding equipment production Metso inc. (Finland). Due to the greater performance of the new equipment to reduce the amount and time of service, and consequently reduce and the impact of harmful factors of production to the waitstaff, and increase safety. Financing the reconstruction carried out at their own expense.

Due to the reconstruction of the processing complex related workshops also needs a renewal. The heavy dump park is also updating (BelAZ capacity of 40t. was purchased in 2012). In the mountain shop works diesel hydraulic new Terex excavator with a bucket capacity of 6.5 m3 and a Komatsu PC-750 - 4.5 m3 bucket. To ensure the realization of products equipped with rhythmic load new platform on which works loader Volvo, with bucket capacity of 5.1 m3.

But the reign of the plant does not stop. There works on exploration, optimization of production processes, improve work culture and reduction of exposure are carried out.

plant photogallery